Monday, 7 December 2009

Puzzle Prototype

Working Puzzle Prototype in UE3

Cube Animation Test

A test for raising cubes :)

Triggering Animation Test

A test to see if a cube animation could be triggered via shooting

Glove Design

(Click to view entire image)

Animation Test

To demonstrate a pattern that will be used in puzzles - this makes for a less obvious solution to a puzzle

Unreal Physics Test

Knocking over cubes and picking up a cube

Yellow Cube Animation

A possible animation for yellow cubes

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

New design aesthetic with an extruding cube methodology as opposed to 'raising and duplicating cubes'. Kinda reminds me of a bar graph or a music equaliser.

New concept

Old concept

Out of proportion i.e. not confined to raising cubes at exactly '1 cube height' - adding more variety

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Environment Prototype in UE3

Built in Unreal Engine 3 to get a feel for how our game might feel. Cubes complete with collision detection so the player can jump up to them (And not fall through!).

Render 2

Another Prototype

Test Qube Room

A 3D prototype of what the final game might look like

Q Gloves Concept Design